Good ESG Ratings Help Stock Prices, Bad Grades Hurt Them.
In the culture wars’ latest front, how sustainable principles affect equities is a burning topic addressed in a recent research study.
Investment motivations are being ignored in ESG
We should stop arguing over how sustainable investment should look, says Florian Heeb and Julian Kolbel.
Do Investors Care about Impact?
Assesses how investors’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) for sustainable investments responds to the social impact of those investments.
Is sustainable finance a dangerous placebo effect?
Research finds there is an opportunity to invest in a climate-conscious fund does not erode individuals’ support for climate regulation.
Systemic Investing to Tackle the US Food Waste Challenge
This case study presents an example of a systemic investing approach, charting the Fink family's and ReFED’s transformative journey in US food waste reduction.
The Power of Simulation for Climate Action: En-ROADS
Anjali Chaudhry describes the importance of simulation in
How companies are fighting back against the war over 'woke'
"Climate-aligned capitalism is advancing," says Director Jason Jay. Despite attempts to demonize ESG, many companies are still pledging to meet ambitious targets.
What's It Like Winning the MIT $100K Entrepreneurship Competition?
The founders of MIT spinout Active Surfaces describe their thin-film solar technology and their experience winning this year’s $100K.