AI-enhanced visuals propel sustainable policies
Skeptics are more likely to approve of sustainable infrastructure when shown AI-enhanced images of how green cityscapes might look, research finds.
Skeptics are more likely to approve of sustainable infrastructure when shown AI-enhanced images of how green cityscapes might look, research finds.
Institutional investors like Goldman Sachs and Citigroup have pledged to invest in projects that tackle the climate crisis. Here’s how they’re doing it — and where challenges remain.
Indirect emissions that occur along a company’s value chain account for 75% of the organization’s overall emissions, on average. They remain difficult to track.
Data on environmental, social, and governance performance is noisy — and may not help companies help the environment. MIT Sloan experts investigate.
These 11 startups are offering innovative solutions to advance environmental and social good.
National Capital Protocol Toolkit (NCT) offers companies a structured process to identify key business risks and opportunities in their management of natural resources.
Research project to create an online database assessing the carbon intensity of financial institutions
In early 2000, Dean Richard Schmalensee of MIT’s Sloan School of Management needed to make a decision that would shape the future of the school for decades to come. Sloan desperately needed a new building with great classrooms, faculty offices, study rooms for students, and dining. Schmalensee neede...
A $7 per metric ton carbon tax could reduce emissions by the same amount as the flagship climate policies of the Obama administration, a new study finds.
“Building Sustainable Healthcare Systems through Innovation and Entrepreneurship” will bring together entrepreneurs, academics, healthcare professionals and policymakers from around the world.