Machine learning developers should talk to end users
Machine learning tools only work if people use and trust them. To achieve this, developers and end users should have a back-and-forth conversation.
Machine learning tools only work if people use and trust them. To achieve this, developers and end users should have a back-and-forth conversation.
Mohammad Jalali and his research colleagues have created a data-driven simulation model that incorporates key behavioral feedbacks such as social influence and risk perceptions.
The toolkit includes steps and resources for enhancing employees’ job control, taming job demands, and improving workplace social relationships.
When you let go of hidden, competing commitments, progress and partnerships will follow.
Hailing from eight countries, these thirteen entrepreneurs have grown ventures operating in nine different markets across Africa.
Sangeeta Lala learned early on that working with people is the best way to move ahead. “It is almost impossible to single-handedly be successful!”
Since failure is inevitable in all human endeavors, it is important for future business leaders to learn to face the fear of failure and then to discover how to turn failure into success.
A new book by two MIT economists Jonathan Gruber and Simon Johnson presents an ambitious plan to boost public funding in scientific research and development in dozens of communities around the country
Summary of Catherine Tucker's work on the impact of COVID-19 data reporting delays
Digital platforms, like Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook, Uber, and Airbnb, have recently become dominant forces in many marketplaces. How did this happen in such a short amount of time?