How to have productive conversations about race at work
Make these three social agreements: Listen to be changed, call in don’t call out, and question your first assumptions.
Make these three social agreements: Listen to be changed, call in don’t call out, and question your first assumptions.
Companies will compete Aug. 29 in Nairobi, Kenya, for a shot at the MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge finals.
The faculty of the Work and Organization Studies group are studying work and employment practices and outcomes, institutions and organizations, public policies, negotiations and conflict resolution.
Recent U.S. elections have raised the question of whether “microtargeting,” the use of extensive online data to tailor persuasive messages to voters, has altered the playing field of politics.
USDA senior advisor Samantha Joseph understands some barriers are out of her control, but she knows the importance of breaking the ones women create for themselves.
For a fairer and more diverse way of hiring and promoting, managers must be in agreement about what they look for when awarding merit.
The book by Edward Roberts—now in its second edition—offers a firsthand account of the past, present, and future of entrepreneurship at the school.
Leaders must rethink the way they manage people and projects to ensure that everyone reaps the efficiency and innovation benefits of generative AI.
The study offers U.S. policymakers a blueprint for a future round of COVID-19 stimulus.
People are nearly as good as fact-checkers at sussing out unreliable news sources, a new study finds.