Applying new lenses to crisis management
Jordan Baucum, EMBA '17, is a corporate reputation and crisis communications consultant based in San Francisco, CA and a Fellow at Duke University's Ormond Center.
Jordan Baucum, EMBA '17, is a corporate reputation and crisis communications consultant based in San Francisco, CA and a Fellow at Duke University's Ormond Center.
Riley Rees, EMBA '19, is Founder and CEO of Sofia Health in San Francisco, CA, and a U.S. Air Force Veteran.
Computer vision and data analytics can generate real-time information about operations, creating a major opportunity to reduce wait times. In fall 2021, United Airlines asked a team of students in Enterprise Management Lab to develop a strategy for leveraging such technologies to reduce wait times i...
Building Better, More Transparent Supply Chain. Because of significant global supply chain delays over the past few years, consumers have a greater awareness of how goods reach them and the impact on the climate.
Looking for new markets.
The Sloanies we spoke to in 2021 fondly recalled a culture of close-knit connectivity and collaboration from their time as students.
Dennis Burianek, PhD, EMBA '18, is Head of Business Transformation at MIT Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, MA.
As the keynote speaker at a recent conference of the International Consortium on Government Financial Management held in Washington DC, I had the opportunity to discuss with representatives from over 40 countries one of the primary challenges facing governments around the world – citizen engagement.
With employers filling 60 percent fewer management positions and otherwise guaranteed internship opportunities succumbing to budget cuts amid the COVID-19 pandemic, students at MIT Sloan were scrambling ahead of the summer of 2020.
Sloanies Talking with Sloanies Podcast with Stephanie O'Dear, EMBA '17