Publications and Working Papers
The faculty of the MIT System Dynamics group research how modeling and simulations can be applied to business, economics, decision decision-making, organizational sciences, policy-making.
Nelson P. Repenning
School of Management Distinguished Professor of System Dynamics and Organization Studies, Professor, System Dynamics
MIT technology powers new, accessible climate solutions simulator
Online interface simulates 100 years of energy, land and climate data in less than one second to identify solutions to limit warming to within 2 degrees Celsius by 2100
Update on the 2019 HSI Research Projects
Several HSI-funded projects that began last year are reporting promising and intriguing early work.
HSI Funds Four Faculty Research Projects from its 2021 Call for Proposals
We awarded $280,000 across four projects for work that will be done over the next two years.
Bengt Holmstrom
Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Professor, Applied Economics
Robert Gibbons
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Professor, Applied Economics