The Wisdom of Lotte Bailyn: Envisioning a New World of Work
For decades, MIT Sloan Professor Lotte Bailyn has been calling for changes in the way work is organized -- often in ways that have proven prescient.
Update on the 2019 HSI Research Projects
Several HSI-funded projects that began last year are reporting promising and intriguing early work.
HSI Funds Four Faculty Research Projects from its 2021 Call for Proposals
We awarded $280,000 across four projects for work that will be done over the next two years.
Bengt Holmstrom
Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, Emeritus, Professor, Applied Economics
MIT Sloan PhD Student Zach Tan Wins Lucea Award
Zach Tan, a first-year doctoral student in the Economic Sociology research group at the MIT Sloan School of Management, has won the 2024 Rafel Lucea Memorial Research Award.
Robert Gibbons
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Professor, Applied Economics
The List
Welcome to The List, where faculty in MIT Sloan’s Applied Economics Group share the books, articles, films, and locales that are informing and inspiring their work and lives.
How Job Tasks Can Contribute to Higher Pay
New research by MIT Sloan Professor Nathan Wilmers and two coauthors finds that having certain kinds of tasks in a job description allows new employees, including frontline workers, to earn more.
HSI Spring 2022 research updates
Spring 2022 research updates