Update on the 2019 HSI Research Projects
Several HSI-funded projects that began last year are reporting promising and intriguing early work.
Several HSI-funded projects that began last year are reporting promising and intriguing early work.
We awarded $280,000 across four projects for work that will be done over the next two years.
Spring 2022 research updates
MIT Sloan has hundreds of seminars every semester bringing in the world’s leading experts on topics from sustainability to finance. Find out more.
Overview and requirements for the MIT Healthcare Certificate
Our faculty researchers have deep expertise in operations management, organizational behavior, system dynamics, accounting, marketing, and finance.
As Ron Williams, SF ’84, explained to MIT Sloan students at the iLead Speaker Series in April, Aetna's successful turnaround was the result of a tremendous team effort.
Guadalupe Hayes-Mota, SB ’08, LGO ’16, is one of eight recipients of this year's Margaret L. A. MacVicar, SB ’65, ScD ’67, Award, which is given in recognition of one’s innovation at, dedication to, and impact on the MIT Alumni Association or the Institute in any area of volunteer activity.
On the second day of MIT Sloan Reunion 2023, attendees were treated to a discussion regarding burnout and moral injury in health care by the MIT Sloan Physicians Group.
Steve Rusckowski, SM ’84, former chairperson, CEO, and president of Quest Diagnostics, believes small changes can have a major impact on company culture.