Seminar Page
MIT Sloan has hundreds of seminars every semester bringing in the world’s leading experts on topics from sustainability to finance. Find out more.
MIT Sloan has hundreds of seminars every semester bringing in the world’s leading experts on topics from sustainability to finance. Find out more.
MIT Sloan School of Management Associate Professor Nathan Wilmers is one of 23 members of the MIT faculty who recently received MIT’s Committed to Caring award for 2023-25. The Committed to Caring program recognizes MIT faculty members who are exceptional mentors to graduate students.
MIT Sloan Professor Erin L. Kelly, who is Co-Director of the MIT Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER), has received the 2024 Ellen Galinsky Generative Researcher Award from the Work and Family Researchers Network.
Is working from home good for employees? New research finds that the answer depends on the circumstances—and in particular, whether at-home work is replacing time in the office or adding to it.
MIT Sloan Adjunct Professor Mary P. Rowe, a pioneer in the organizational ombuds profession, has made many of the articles she has written over her career freely available on her personal webpages at MIT Sloan.
New research by MIT Sloan Professor Paul Osterman finds more than one in ten U.S. workers are contract employees—and that they earn less on average than comparable employees in standard jobs and receive less company-provided training.
For decades, MIT Sloan Professor Lotte Bailyn has been calling for changes in the way work is organized -- often in ways that have proven prescient.
Do policies that it easier for employees to juggle work and family needs increase the ability of women to advance in organizations? New research from Eunmi Mun, Shawna Vican, and MIT Sloan Professor Erin L. Kelly suggests that was indeed the case with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the U...