Publications and Working Papers
The faculty of the Work and Organization Studies group are studying work and employment practices and outcomes, institutions and organizations, public policies, negotiations and conflict resolution.
The faculty of the Work and Organization Studies group are studying work and employment practices and outcomes, institutions and organizations, public policies, negotiations and conflict resolution.
Here is a selection of highlighted publications by the Operations Research and Statistics Faculty.
MIT Sloan Professor Erin L. Kelly, who is Co-Director of the MIT Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER), has received the 2024 Ellen Galinsky Generative Researcher Award from the Work and Family Researchers Network.
Why do many U.S. colleges give preference to applicants who are relatives of alumni? A new paper coauthored by MIT Sloan Professor Emilio J. Castilla sheds light on this question.
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Work and Organization Studies, Professor, Work and Organization Studies, Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Nanyang Technological University Professor Emeritus, Professor Emeritus, Work and Organization Studies, Professor Emeritus, Work and Organization Studies
Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management Emeritus, Professor, Organization Studies
NTU Professor of Management, Professor, Work and Organization Studies