Through the recognition of outstanding research or practice in financial policy by an academic or practitioner, the Miriam Pozen Prize advances the GCFP’s mission of catalyzing innovative....
The Capitalization of Consumer Financing into Durable Goods Prices
The Capitalization of Consumer Financing into Durable Goods Prices | Consumer Finance Initiative | Lending Markets
Revenue Collapses and the Consumption of Small Business Owners in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Revenue Collapses and the Consumption of Small Business Owners in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic | Consumer Finance Initiative | Savings Markets
Technological Innovation and Labor Income Risk
Technological Innovation and Labor Income Risk | Consumer Finance Initiative | Household Finance Decisions
Climbing and Falling Off the Ladder: Asset Pricing Implications of Labor Market Event Risk
Climbing and Falling Off the Ladder: Asset Pricing Implications of Labor Market Event Risk | Consumer Finance Initiative | Household Finance Decisions