Interim Dean Georgia Perakis Provides Updates from Leadership
Interim Dean Georgia Perakis provided alumni at MIT Sloan Reunion 2024 with updates on the state of the school and told everyone how proud she was of them.
Interim Dean Georgia Perakis provided alumni at MIT Sloan Reunion 2024 with updates on the state of the school and told everyone how proud she was of them.
MIT Sloan School of Management Associate Professor Nathan Wilmers is one of 23 members of the MIT faculty who recently received MIT’s Committed to Caring award for 2023-25. The Committed to Caring program recognizes MIT faculty members who are exceptional mentors to graduate students.
At the MIT Sloan Alumni Online event in March, Ajit Kambil, SB ’85, SM ’89, PhD ’93, discussed insights from Deloitte’s CFO Transition Lab and his recent book, The Leadership Accelerator.
How do women in low-wage service-sector jobs respond to unemployment? That's a question Claire C. McKenna explored in her recent doctoral dissertation in the MIT Institute for Work and Employment Research (IWER) PhD program.
Diez años después de que el MIT Sloan abriera en Chile su primera sede física fuera de los Estados Unidos, la Oficina del MIT Sloan para América Latina sigue siendo parte integral del ajetreado distrito comercial de Santiago.
Over 1,300 Sloanies and their guests returned to campus in early June to attend MIT Sloan Reunion 2023.
John C Head III Dean David Schmittlein discussed MIT Sloan’s recent achievements during his State of the School address at MIT Sloan Reunion 2023.
In 2024, the MIT Sloan alumni community stayed busy doing everything from founding venture capital firms to creating opportunities for second-chance hiring.
A recent MIT Sloan doctoral dissertation sheds light on three steps managers can take to empower workers who have ideas about improving the workplace.
Matt Beane, SM ’14, PhD ’17, argues those using artificial intelligence will become incrementally de-skilled unless they are consciously upskilling at the same time.