Master of Finance

Optional Concentrations

MFin students can specialize their studies by pursuing a concentration in one of the following areas: Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Financial Engineering, or Climate and Social Impact Finance. Completing a concentration is optional and not required to earn the MFin degree.

The concentration requirements are in addition to the MFin degree requirements. Courses used to fulfill your MFin degree requirements cannot also count toward your concentration. The only exceptions are 15.455 and 15.457, which may be applied to the Financial Engineering concentration, and 15.453, which may be applied to the Climate and Social Impact Finance concentration.

Register your Interest

Financial Engineering

  • Required

    15.455: Advanced Mathematical Methods for Financial  Engineering

    15.456: Financial Engineering

    15.457: Advanced Analytics of Finance

  • Concentration Electives (choose 1)

    15.095: Machine Learning Under a Modern Optimization Lens

    15.235: Blockchain  & Money

    15.437: Options & Futures Markets

    15.438: Fixed Income Securities & Derivatives

    15.447: International Capital Markets

    15.458: Financial Data Science and & Computing

    15.466: Functional & Strategic Finance

    15.467: Asset Mgmt, Lifecycle Investing & Retirement Finance

    15.470: Asset Management

    15.481: Financial Market Dynamics

    15.773: Hands-on Deep Learning

    15.S08: Advanced Data Analytics & Machine Learning in Finance

Climate and Social Impact Finance

  • Required

    15.453: Fin lab impact-related project

    15.499: Social Impact Investing

  • Concentration Electives (choose 1)

    15.431: Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital

    15.456: Financial Engineering

    15.482: Healthcare Finance

    15.873: System Dynamics for Business and Policy

    15.S08: Advanced Data Analytics & Machine Learning

Capital Markets

  • Concentration Electives (choose 2)

    15.235:  Blockchain  & Money

    15.437: Options & Futures Markets

    15.438: Fixed Income Securities & Derivatives

    15.447: International Capital Markets

    15.456: Financial Engineering

    15.466: Functional & Strategic Finance

    15.467: Asset Mgmt, Lifecycle Investing & Retirement Finance

    15.481: Financial Market Dynamics

Corporate Finance

  • Concentration Electives (choose 2)

     15.431: Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital

     15.434: Advanced Corporate Finance

    15.436: Corporate Financial Strategy

    15.437: Options & Futures Markets

    15.445: Mergers, Acquisitions & PE

    15.466: Functional & Strategic Finance

    15.482: Healthcare Finance

    15.535: Business Analysis Using Financial Statements

* As of Spring, 2024. Subject to changes.